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About iMAGine Arts Education Program

The iMAGine Arts Education Program offers exhibition tours, drop-in art activities, professional development opportunities, and more. We operate with the belief that all individuals can enjoy and learn from visual art, regardless of age, ability, mobility, and financial situation. All upcoming programs will be listed on this page.

Book A Tour

We offer a 90 minute program:

Exhibition Tour (30 minutes)
Studio Project (60 minutes)


This time-frame is flexible. School programs contain a minimum of 3-5 curriculum connections for Art, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. Tours can be tailored to each groups needs. 




Cost: $3 per person with a minimum rate of 10 people/$30. No art expertise is required for this program. 


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Education Studio set up for an art activity

Gallery Tours

In-house tours and related art-making activities for students and community groups, all ages. School tours are designed and customized to achieve specific SK curriculum outcomes for elementary to post-secondary students, and to achieve learning objectives specified by community groups (seniors, at-risk youth, individuals with disabilities, etc)

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